
Henrique Dantas

Genre: Film


Tua is a well-established Brazilian pediatric oncologist who has lived and worked in Italy for many years now and he’s engaged to Giulia, an Italian ballet dancer. At a time of drastic career choice, he is called back to Brazil by his sick grandmother where he will finally have to deal with unresolved issues in his family that he has always shunned in the past.


A production: Muiraquitā Filmes Produçōes, Hamaca Produçōes Artísticas, La Sarraz Pictures,
With the support of: MIC – Minority Co-Production Fund, Ibermedia – Co-Production Fund

Artistic specifications

Direction: Henrique Dantas
Story and Screenplay: Henrique Dantas

technical specifications

language: Portuguese
country of production: Brazil, Italy

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